Sustainability at MB
According to our investment strategy, we invest in strong businesses that have promising growth potential and the capacity to further develop their position in the market. We believe that sustainable companies that have evaluated ESG-related risks and identified the ESG factors creating value are more resilient and successful in a rapidly evolving business environment. MB’s responsible owner mindset allows us to cooperate with high-performing companies with long-term value creation potential and to make future-proof investments.
As a responsible partner and owner, our mission is to create sustainable growth with our investee companies. At the same time, we also want to be transparent about our approach and promote the development of responsible investing in the private equity industry. Responsible Investment and Ownership Policy describes MB’s approach to sustainability in general as well as introduces key principles and practices implemented regarding responsible investment and active ownership. We have also published Sustainability snapshot 2020 to introduce MB’s approach to sustainability and tell more about the great sustainability work of our portfolio companies.
Find out more about our responsible investment and ownership, and highlights of the sustainability activities’ development below.
MB Funds’ Responsible Investment and Ownership Policy
MB Funds – ESG Review 2022/2023
MB Funds – Sustainability Review 2021: Focus on the ESG collection and the measurement
MB Funds – Sustainability snapshot 2020: Sustainable growth in our portfolio companies
MB Funds – Sustainability Review 2019: An introduction to MB Funds’ approach to sustainability and highlights of the activities
Consideration of adverse sustainability impacts
MB Funds' approach to sustainability
MB’s solid approach to sustainability sets the frames for our sustainability work and communication. Our approach captures key stakeholders’ expectations on sustainability and thus directs MB’s resources and activities on material ESG matters. MB’s sustainability is divided into three elements – Responsible investment, Impact, and Transparency and disclosure. MB is committed to responsible investment, fosters positive impact through the portfolio companies, and is transparent in our communication.
Sustainability is managed in MB through three interconnected elements

Responsible investment
We are committed to integrating environmental, social and governance (ESG) aspects in our investment strategy and processes. Our approach is based on the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (UN PRI) and it covers the decision-making and ownership practices that are applied throughout the investment process. We believe that investing responsibly can lead to sustainable business growth with our investee companies and create long-term value for our investors, other stakeholders and society at large.
Responsible investment process at MB consists of:
- MB’s commitment to responsible investment
- ESG Due diligence
- MB’s active ownership
- Monitoring
- Reporting
- ESG development in exit
In the spring of 2019, MB Funds became a member of Finsif, Finland’s Sustainable Investment Forum. The member-based organisation promotes responsible investment and offers its members a platform for networking and finding useful information. At MB Funds, we want to promote these principles in our networks and further develop our own approach in line with industry best practices.

The environmental and social impact is achieved through the operations of our portfolio companies. As a private equity investor, we are in a unique position to influence our investee companies’ operations and to share best practices with them. Our aim is to genuinely engage the companies to consider the sustainability perspective in their operations to make a lasting impact on the selected focus areas.

Transparency and disclosure
We want to provide our stakeholders with relevant and current information about MB’s own operations as well as those of our portfolio companies. We notify our investors annually on ESG matters and developments, and report immediately in case of any ESG incidents or breaches.
The Finnish Venture Capital Association (FVCA), Pääomasijoittajat ry, has introduced guidelines for increasing transparency and disclosure in the venture capital sector. As FVCA member, MB Funds is committed to following the guidelines on this website. Please find the guidelines here.
Media contacts:
Juha Tukiainen, Managing Partner
p. +358 400 791 679
Minna Heimonen, Sustainability and Communications Manager
p. +358 40 5085 681